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Having decided on the story and gameplay mechanics, it was time to decide how to
we wanted the level to show. With the information obtained on VR we decided that the best would be
play a low polygon game so as not to saturate the system, but, having opted for a
period as detailed and ornate as the Victorian, we also wanted it to be a game with a level
of considerable realism. Thus, and looking again for information on video game texturing
on web pages, YouTube tutorials and consulting colleagues with more information about the
issue, we decided that the solution was to work with low poly models and, with a model in high
polygon, generate a normal map that will distort this on the bass. However, after doing a few
Texturing tests with some game props and considering the time we had, we decided
keep the polygon low and instead of projecting a high polygon on top, simply work
detailed textures that provide the necessary realism without loading the scene.

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